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Welcome To Financial ETC can help you eliminate your Debts!

What Makes Our Debt Relief Solution Stand Out

At Debt Bugs, our debt relief solutions stands out from the crowd for several reasons. First and foremost, we provide personalized service tailored to your unique financial situation. This means that we take the time to understand your goals and needs, then create a custom plan that will help you regain financial control. We're also dedicated to providing excellent customers service every step of the way, so you can rest assured that you'll be in good hands.

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We're dedicated to your financial freedom, offering personalized strategies and unwavering support. Let us guide you toward a brighter, debt-free future."


Personalized Debt Relief Plan

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We create a customized plan that takes into account your specific financial situation and goals, providing you with the best possible solution for your needs.


Experienced Team

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Our team of experts has years of experience in debt relief, and they're dedicated to helping you achieve your financial goals.


Comprehensive Service

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We offer a range of debt relief service, including debt negotiation, and debt settlement, to help you find the best solution for your needs.

Get Started Now
Are you facing at least $7500.00 in Credit Card Debt? Just making minimum payments each month? Take the first step towards financial freedom. Sign up today for a Free Debt Relief Quote!

Join Debt bugs For A Debt-Free Lifestyle
Don’t let debt bug you any longer! Exterminate your debt with No Cost or Obligation—just a free credit analysis of your debt situation.


Escape the Creditors' Web
Creditors thrive on minimum payments, trapping you in a cycle. Break free with Call or Text now at 714-485-3285 for legal relief.


Seth Burton

Under the guidance of Carl Somner and his team, I finally found a path out of the suffocating grip of credit card debt. Their personalized approach, transparency, and unwavering support made all the difference. Now, I'm debt-free and empowered to take control of my financial future. Thank you, Debt Bug!

Bethany Banks

Debt Bug Credit Card Debt Relief Service is a true lifesaver. With Carl Somner leading the charge, I felt supported every step of the way on my journey to financial freedom. Their expertise, transparency, and genuine care helped me break free from the chains of credit card debt. Thanks to Debt Bug, I'm now on solid ground, ready to build a brighter financial future. I can't recommend them enough!

Tammy Tolser

I found hope and clarity amidst the chaos of credit card debt. Their tailored solutions and unwavering support helped me navigate rough waters with confidence. Thanks to Debt Bug Tammy Tolser highly recommends their services to anyone seeking relief from debt!
Address: 333 City Blvd W STE #1700 Orange, CA 92868
IG: MyCreditCareOfficial
Tel: (714)485-3285
Sign up for a free debt relief quote

Contact Information

Do you have atleast $7500.00 in Credit Card Debt?

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